100+ Beautiful Garden Design Ideas

garden design idea

The beautiful garden design requires careful planning and online research. You want a well-ordered garden with strong lines and clear structure and not an arbitrary collection of plants?

Modern Planning and Garden Design

Modern Garden Design

Decide first whether you want to create a formal or informal atmosphere in the garden. The informal designs follow the natural terrain and use long, curved, flowing lines for the flower beds. The formal designs use straight, geometric lines and symmetry. The style of the garden should also match the style of the house.

Terrace and Garden Design

Terrace garden design

Draw or plan the location of the flower beds in the garden with software. Also, draw the house and other zones that will be in contact with the planted areas. Avoid complicated shapes and tight curves because they are difficult to maintain. Make your flower beds at least 1 meter wide. Beds wider than 3 meters should have some kind of walkway, path, or unplanted area that allows access. Plan the sidewalks, terraces, seating areas, and all sorts of garden areas.

Chessboard pattern idea for the garden

Chessboard pattern idea for the garden

The usual discount shape is rectangular and is laid out along the lawn or the garden fence. The island bed offers a nice alternative to rectangular discounts. While in the classic discounts high plants back and the low – stay in front, an island bed is visible from all sides. Like an island. Plant tall flowers in the middle and the low – at the edge. Choose such flower types that would immediately catch your eye.

garden pattern ideas

The striped bed is a good solution even in case of space defects. It fits perfectly next to the terrace, in front of the hedge or between the sidewalk and the house wall. Planting strips can also act as room dividers for different garden areas. See the potential in every corner of the garden.

Front Yard Garden Design

front yard garden design

You will also decide whether your garden design will follow a uniform theme and style. This is determined by the type of plants, recognizable design features, and materials. Informal garden styles include farm gardens, rockeries, and butterfly gardens. The English, Mediterranean, Greek, Roman, and Japanese gardens have a formal structure. In the following, we will deal with the typical characteristics of each garden style

Zen and Japanese Garden

zen and japanese garden

Asian gardens are based on Japanese, Chinese garden design, and the teachings of Zen and Feng Shui. Overall, this garden-style should have a soothing charisma. Typical style elements are flowing shapes, curved paths, and bridges. The element of water plays a special role.

Decorative Bird Statues

decorative bird garden

Ponds, small waterfalls, streams, spring stones, fountains should not be missing in the Japanese garden. The splashing of the water has a nice soothing effect. Bamboo pipes as water dispensers are also becoming more and more fashionable.

Glass Ball Fountain

ball waterwall garden

When it is important to set up the ponds, the main focus is on harmony with nature. Stones are used unprocessed as if they were formed by nature.

Small Pond and Bonsai Tree

japanese garden pond and bonsai tree

The pond planting is rather economical. At the edge of the pond, however, there are several plants that love moist but well-drained soil. The Japanese leaf and slit maple (Acer palmatum and Acer japonicum) are perfect. They enchant the garden with its bright red or yellow autumn leaves.

Small Stone Bridge

small stone and bridge garden

Bridges are also attributed to a special symbolism in the Asian water garden. If bridges run strictly straight, ghosts could come over the bridge. Therefore, wooden bridges are often laid diagonally above the water. Red painted bridge railings are considered a symbol of happiness.

Small Koi Pond

small koi pond japanese garden

If the pond is slightly larger, Japanese koi fish can be used there. Fish are a symbol of wealth and happiness in Asian countries.

Large Green Rocks

green look japanese garden

In contrast to the Japanese garden, the Zen garden consists largely of a gravel area. The raked gravel symbolizes the water. For this reason, the Zen Garden is still called a dry garden.

White Gravel Stones

gravel stone japanese garden

The Zen style works through stylish shapes, ornamental elements and raked patterns in the gravel. Asian woods in the shape cut or large stones (boulders) almost always form a natural stylistic.

Bamboo Roofing


If you have more space available, you could also include a covered terrace, a gazebo or a small hut for the Japanese tea ceremony. The small tea hut can also serve as the centre of the garden room. Bamboo plays an important role as a building material.

Large Stones Covered With Moss

large stone garden japanese style

Typical of Japanese culture are still Torii gates. They are not only entrance and exit gates, but also offer the viewers insights of the garden area in the frame. They express prosperity.

Stone Slabs and Blue Rain Tree

Stone Slabs and Blue Rain Tree

Stones also play an important role as stylistic elements in the Japanese garden. They can stand lying or upright. Their order also follows strict rules.

Bamboo Plants in Pots

Bamboo Plants in Pots 1

Bamboo is essential in the Japanese garden. Fargesia species in particular are eligible. It should be noted, however, that they spread rapidly through powerful root systems and therefore need a rhizome barrier. Bamboo plants can also be placed in pots or high beds.

Formal Garden

Formaler garden france

The formal garden style is inseparable from the baroque facilities in France and Italy. Symmetry is of great importance here. The most important garden element is strictly cut shaped hedges, with which space boundaries are defined.

Symmetrical Flower Pots

symmetric flower garden

With molded woods, avenues and flower borders are flanked and accents are set. The most well-known is the versatile boxwood. In addition, many other evergreen kinds of wood are suitable for shape cutting, such as yande, beech, hornbeam, firethorn, guster, and mispel. Columns, cubes, spheres, pyramids, and spirals are the basic forms.

Formal Garden in England

formal garden in englan

The hallmarks of this garden style include classic materials such as natural stone and clinker for the walls and sidewalks. The route is often strict and straight. The visual axes may be interrupted by cleverly placed eye catches, but then continue to the property boundary.

Geometric Shapes and Lines

geometric garden

The formal garden style has resulted in the modern, minimalist style. Geometric shapes and straight structures create a sense of clarity and harmony in your own garden. More experimentation is taking place with the combination of different materials.

Small Bird Fountain as a Highlight


Other important design elements in the formal garden are fountains, water basins, and water features. A fountain in a round concrete basin or a small pond provides a pleasant atmosphere. Pond plants such as water lilies and swamp sword lilies are particularly attractive.

White and Blue Hydrangeas

backyard garden

Sculptures and flower columns also bring flair to the formal garden. In addition, architectural elements such as pavilions, arcades, or cleverly positioned benches can also contribute to the attractive overall effect of the garden.

Tall Thin Trees Surround the Area

garden backyard

Through overmanned hedges and walls, the English garden can be transformed into a mysterious and sheltered refuge. This way, external insights are not possible.

Boxwood Hedges Define the Areas

Boxwood Hedges Define the Areas

Following the example of the baroque French gardens of the 18th century, a current with new design ideas emerged in England, focusing on soft, organic forms. The English garden plays with natural forms: garden paths are laid out slightly curved, the rigor of the buildings is mitigated with climbing plants or overhanging upholstery plants.

Garden Foliage and Boxwood Balls

Garden Foliage and Boxwood Balls

The formal English garden lives especially through its contrasting effects. On the one hand, dark, evergreen hedge plants seem conservative and mysterious. On the other hand, a romantic blood fullness is observed. Scented roses and flower shrubs enchant the garden into a fairy garden.

Gravel Garden Path and Island Beds

Gravel Garden Path and Island Beds

If you’ve opted for the formal garden style, use geometric shapes such as rectangle, square, and circle when planning the beds, paths, and lawns. This gives the garden a design frame with a calm radiance.

Clinker Paving Stones

Garden Clinker Paving Stones

A means of not overloading small garden spaces is the monochrome design. You can choose the flowers of the plants in one color or combine only different evergreen deciduous trees.

A Low and a Large Boxwood Hedge

A Low and a Large Boxwood Hedge

If you want to achieve a lavish effect through mixed discounts, you should plan a bed width of one to two meters. This way you have enough space to put individual perennial varieties and flowers with different heights in succession. Fragrance roses should not be missing in the English garden. They are used in almost all forms. In addition to rose beds, rose arches are considered one of the most romantic design elements in the garden.

English Garden With Symmetrical Design

englischer garten buchsbaumhecken gehwege ziegel bank
  • Characteristic plants for the English garden are:
  • Hedges: yew, hornbeam, beech, boxwood
  • Perennials: Iron hat, Honorary Award, Phlox, Catnip, Knight’s Spur, King’s Candle, Lavender Varieties (Lavandula angustifolia Elizabeth)
  • Onion flowers: ornamental leeks, dahlias, gladiolus
  • Ciden shrubs: hydrangea, lilac, summer lilac, snowball, spiers, csack flowers
  • Climbing plants: Clematis, Blue Rain

Tropical Garden in Your Own Backyard


When you think of summer holidays, southern countries like Spain immediately come to mind. Relaxing under a palm tree with a soft drink in hand is the dream for many. But you can also bring palm trees to Germany. There are frost hardy varieties that tolerate a temperature of minus 23 degrees Celsius and grow easily outdoors. Some olive trees are also hardy to minus 20 degrees.

Garden with pools and tropical plants

tropical garden

The following palm species, for example, are well suited for the German garden:

  • Hemp palm (Trachycarpus fortunei)
  • Date palm (Phoenix)
  • Honey palm (Jubaea chilensis)
  • Dwarf Palmetto (Sabal minor)
  • Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera)
  • Mazari Palm (Nannorrhops)
  • Needle palm (Rhapidophyllum)
  • Fire Palm (Archontophoenix)

Wall and Roof Greening

wall roof garden

By the way, an alternative to palm trees for an exotic-looking garden are Mediterranean plants such as olive trees, lemon trees or orange trees. You only need to find out which varieties are hardy. Another option would be to place citrus trees in pots on the terrace. You can also try kiwis and bananas.

Illuminated Palm Trees in The Garden

Illuminated Palm Trees in The Garden

The right lighting not only sets beautiful accents in the evening hours. Plants that come from tropical or subtropical areas and do not need hibernation can benefit from additional artificial light sources during the low-light winter months.

Dynamic Mix of Materials

Mix of Materials garden

If you want to have a real little jungle in your own garden, you should also consider other design elements in addition to exotic waxing. For example, a small pond with aquatic plants or a Bali-style pavilion. A comfortable four-poster bed or two sun loungers with a parasol promise relaxing hours in your own garden paradise.

Lush Palm Garden

Lush Palm Garden

You will get a special eye-catcher if you choose unexpected color variations and bright colors. Pink, orange, purple, and yellow immediately create a positive mood and form a wonderful contrast to the green of the palm trees. Among them, we mean not only colored furniture or colorful seat cushions, but also flowers of different kinds. The climbing trumpet (Campsis radicans), for example, scores with trumpet-shaped flowers in a bright orange to pink and forms a harmonious ensemble with fresh green plants.

  • Stepping Stones in The Lawn
steping stone in the lawn tropical garden

Small Garden

small garden

A beautiful garden is not a question of size, but of a successful design. Many creative ideas can also be realized on a small plot of land. You just have to make the most of the surface. Everything succeeds with the right planning and some design tricks.

Defining Zones

devining zones garden 1

It doesn’t always have to be a large garden with a lawn and swimming pool. Flower bed, seating, and pond can also be implemented in a small area. The top priority should be a clear and simple layout of the room. Try to divide the garden into different functional zones. Geometric shapes bring order and tranquility to the garden. The different zones should be visually separated from each other.

Different Plants and Zones

Different plant zone

In a small garden, a clear route is of great importance. Instead of unnecessarily many garden paths, plan a continuous path. When covering, you do not use small-scale plasters and better rely on large slabs or a homogeneous gravel covering.

Wooden Benches and Stone Slabs

Wooden Benches and Stone Slabs

Different levels in the small garden always create the impression of generosity. For example, the flower beds may be higher than the terrace. Walled high beds are a good solution.

Narrow Pool With Two Loungers

Garden Narrow Pool With Two Loungers

The selection of plants must also be carefully considered, otherwise the small garden will quickly overload. Limit yourself to a few species with great effect, for example varieties with conspicuous flowering, decorative foliage or autumn coloration. Shrubs with light green or yellow leaves such as the spindle shrub “Emerald n Gold” open dark corners.

Modern Garden Design

Modern Garden Design 1

In principle, the character of the garden should be adapted to the style of the house. And of course a garden with the same design language fits a modern house. When designing a modern garden, the focus is on reducing it to clear shapes and colors.

Outside Fireplace as a Central Point

Outside Fireplace as a Central Point garden

The first step in the garden design is the division of the property into beds, pavement, and lawn. Geometric shapes such as rectangle and circle are suitable for this purpose. The garden is considered a continuation of the living space. It should be clearly recognizable where the path runs and a bed begins.

Modern Lighting and Garden Furniture

modern lightening garden

Materials used in the modern garden include not only classical building materials such as natural stone, metal, and wood, but also concrete, glass, WPC, corten steel, polyrattan, and polyethylene. Concrete, for example, is very fashionable and can take different forms. Thanks to its weather and frost resistance, it becomes the perfect material for outdoor use.

Planting Pots in Rust Optics

Planting Pots in Rust Optics

Cortenstahl brings a special touch to the modern garden as a screen, high bed, planter or simply as a decorative sculpture. The interesting rust patina radiates a natural flair and sets warm luminous accents.

Visual Protection in the Urban Garden

Visual protection urban garden

Visual protection should not be missing, of course, but better in a modern style. However, not necessarily in grey. A modern protective fence made of wood would also fit into the overall concept.

Geometric Shapes

geometric shapes garden

Water games, streams, or water basins can also be found in the contemporary garden. However, these should not seem too playful, but rather kept simple.

Define Areas With Grass Between The Stone Slabs

Define Areas With Grass Between The Stone Slabs

Lawns are not always required in the modern garden. Alternatives here are gravel surfaces. An interesting option would be the use of upholstery perennials as plate joints. In this way, the linear form is taken up again. Most thyme varieties, star moss (Sagina subulata), Corsican mint, and Isotoma fluviatilis are perfect for this. Some soil cover varieties also give garden owners a lot of pleasure with their dainty flowers.

The Lawn Bordering

The lawn bordering

The plants also play a minor role here. Instead of planting lush perennial beds, loose plant groups or grasses are used as accents that counteract the strict shapes.

Glow Under The Trees

Glow under the trees

In order to perfectly stage beds, trees, paths, and other design elements, you also need suitable garden lighting. The possibilities in the field of outdoor lighting seem almost limitless. Bollard lights, lanterns, LED strips, underwater lights, spotlights in beds are only a small part of it. Multi-talented people such as LED planks are also a special eye-catcher.

  • Aluminum roofing covered with climbing plants
Aluminum roofing covered with climbing plants
  • High beds and wooden fence
High beds and wooden fence
  • Different Levels and High Beds
Different Levels and High Beds 1
  • Terrace Design in Two Levels
Terrace Design in Two Levels
  • Semi-closed Seating Area
Semi closed seating area
  • Green Wall in the Small Garden
Green wall with moss

Cozy Seating Areas in The Garden

Cozy Seating Areas in The Garden

The own garden should not only provide work, but also serve for rest and relaxation outdoors. To do this, every garden owner needs a comfortable seating area somewhere to enjoy his coffee or read a book. If you want to create such a summer living room, you should think about a few things when planning.

Wood Roofing In The Garden

Wood Roofing In The Garden

First, you should choose the best place. It should be sheltered from the wind, not exposed to the blazing sun and as close as possible to the house. If you want to enjoy a seclusion, you set up the seating area exactly in a corner of the garden. A seating area close to the house or on the garden wall feels warmer and unconsciously provides serenity.

Mini Garden on The Table

Mini Garden on The Table

You should also consider whether he wants to design a movable or a fixed seating area. The furniture for a movable seating area usually consists of a table, chairs, garden benches, and garden loungers. With the permanently installed seating area, it is important to ensure that the material has to withstand weather influences of different kinds.

Under The Tree Shadows

Under The Tree Shadows

There are endless possibilities of shading a terrace or seating area in the garden. If you have a huge tree in the garden, you could of course use this natural shade dispenser. Other variants include a pergola, a sun sail, a terrace awning, or a parasol.

White Wrought Iron Garden Furniture

The flooring of a seating area is usually paving stones, slabs of concrete or natural stone. But also impregnated wood or WPC boards provide a certain coziness. Make sure that the water can drain quickly even after several rainy days.

White Wrought Iron Garden Furniture

Black Iron Furniture

Make sure that all elements of your seating area match each other. If your garden is romantically designed, then garden furniture made of wrought iron is particularly well embedded in the overall picture. Very popular are garden furniture made of weather-resistant polyrattan braid, usually with a sturdy aluminum frame. The warm look of the durable material convinces all those who want to create a comfortable feel-good ambiance in the garden.

Black Iron Furniture

Outside Fireplace as a Central Point garden 1

Aluminum is also perfect for outdoor use. It is light, weatherproof, and stable. Compared to other metals such as steel, it is also relatively much cheaper.

Outdoor Dining Area

Romantic Garden Lighting With Fairy Lights

If you want to eat comfortably outside, you can design a seating area with a dining area. For this purpose, the table should have a pleasant height. A pergola or a solid terrace roof would make the dining area rainproof. If the seating area is not close to the house, it is better to set up a small outdoor kitchen with enough storage space. Whether plates, cutlery, or glasses, there you already have everything ready.

Romantic Garden Lighting With Fairy Lights

White Perennials Create Beautiful Contrasts

If you want to enjoy beautiful moments outside even in the evening, the right terrace and garden lighting are indispensable. Strings of lights on a pergola or between the trees create an atmospheric ambiance, while bollard lights or spots along the garden path are very practical.

White Perennials Create Beautiful Contrasts

Rustic Bench Under the Garden Foliage

Not only the seating and decorative objects determine the image of a seating area, but also the planting. Enrich the seating area, for example, with various scented plants or herbs that will pamper the eye and nose at the same time. If you want to cook outside, you can always have fresh herbs at your fingertips.

Rustic Bench Under the Garden Foliage

Rustic beach garden

Would you like to enjoy the perfect view of the flower beds in your garden? Nothing is as idyllic as a charming swing under a tree or a bench with leafy garden foliage. There you can enjoy your peace and quiet.

  • Large Wood Pergola With Curtains
Large Wood Pergola With Curtains
  • Lush Plantings Surround The Seating Area
Lush Plantings Surround The Seating Area
  • Stepping Stones in the Lawn
Stepping Stones in the Lawn

Decorations and Beautiful Highlights

Decorations and Beautiful Highlights

The garden gets the finishing touches only with the right decoration. Whether large or small, modern or close to nature, the decoration gives every garden a personal touch. Garden figures made of clay, stone, or wood are particularly well displayed in natural gardens. For modern or formal gardens, simple decorative objects are more suitable. These must not be too colorful either. Whether you place your figures on the lawn, in the bed, or on the terrace is reserved for your taste.

Small Pond With Water Lilies

Small Pond With Water Lilies

Make sure that too many garden decorations overload the garden and make it appear smaller. Heavy sculptures, fountains, planters, and other larger objects can be planned from the outset. For example, a fountain at the end of a sidewalk.

Small Garden Pond With Wooden Bridge

Small Garden Pond With Wooden Bridge

A garden decoration includes not only figures and flower pots, but also garden plugs, sundials, birdhouses, and bird potions. These can also have practical benefits. The material must of course be weatherproof.

Painted Stone Ball in The Flower Bed

Painted Stone Ball in The Flower Bed

Truly robust material for garden decoration is the concrete. Many have already discovered the fun of concrete casting with finished molds. Whether planting bowls, stepping stones, tea light holders, small and large figures – concrete is wonderfully suited to beautify the terrace or the garden according to your own ideas.

Stone Garden and Pond

Stone Garden and Pond

If you have a romantic, dreamy garden, you can underline it with fairies and angels, for example. If you have a Japanese garden, however, you are well advised with Buddha figures and stone lanterns. These create a mysterious atmosphere in the garden.

Old Bike as Decoration

Old Bike as Decoration

Garden decoration scare is not necessarily necessary. Old utensils can be transformed into beautiful decorations with little effort. Ideal for this are also finds from the flea market, old garden tools, kitchenware and cutlery, zinc cans, old bicycles, car tires and much more.

Dry Stint Influence

Dry Stint Influence

Individual natural stones or boulders are also suitable as garden decorations. Mosaics of pebbles are also very popular. This means that you can not only design garden paths and terraces, but also make walls, stepping stones and fountains very special jewels.

Garden fountain with gravel mosaic

Garden fountain with gravel mosaic

Pre-Garden Design

Pre Garden Design

The front garden gives visitors the first view of your house, so you should not underestimate its effect. The front garden design is individually different and should definitely be adapted to the style of the house.

Grid Fence and Classic Garden Gate

Grid Fence and Classic Garden Gate

It is recommended to make the front garden is easy to care for as possible. Evergreen plants and decorative woods such as boxwood and rhododendron are popular plants for the front yard. With high hedges and wooden fences, you can limit the front yard towards the street and create more privacy.

Design on The Slope

Design on The Slope

When planning the planting, the direction of the sky and the sun’s incidence should also be considered. Some plants cannot tolerate full sun, others thrive better in semi-shade. Findings look particularly beautiful as solitaire stones.

  • Window Plants
Window Plants
  • Climbing plants and low white flowers
Climbing plants and low white flowers

And Some Garden Ideas

some ideas gardening

Whether your garden should be symmetrical or close to nature, which plants you like or which garden furniture would best fit in your seating area, you can find out by browsing through our ideas around garden design. Be inspired by these beautiful examples. Have fun!

  • Interesting Form From The Sidewalk
Interesting Form From The Sidewalk
  • White Stepping Stones in The Green Lawn
White Stepping Stones in The Green Lawn
  • Different Zones and Levels
Different Zones and Levels
  • Pool Area and Terrace
Pool Area and Terrace
  • Perennials and Stone Tiles
Perennials and Stone Tiles
  • Wooden Slats With Gaps For The Plants
Wooden Slats With Gaps For The Plants
  • Perennials and Stone Tiles
Perennials and Stone Tiles 1
  • Planting Shrubs Along The Garden Fence
Planting Shrubs Along The Garden Fence
  • Interesting Hillside Location
Interesting Hillside Location
  • Garden Layout With Boxwood Hedges
Garden Layout With Boxwood Hedges
  • Climbing Plants on the Garden Wall
Climbing Plants on the Garden Wall 1
  • Green Wall With Moss
Green wall with moss 1
  • Interesting Decoration in Front of a Green Garden Wall
Interesting Decoration in Front of a Green Garden Wall
garden besides pool
garden design
garden front yard
Garden backyard 1

Idea by Garden Center Indonesia